Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas around my house.

A little bit at least. There is sooo much more than this.

It's such a wonderful time of year isn't it?? The year that our first booger was born, this is what our family looked liked. Nice, simple, but oh so small.

This year, we added another bouncing baby boy to our family. He is just so sweet and precious.

Mr. B is his name. Or Bubbas, or Boo Boo, I guess we followed suit and it all falls under the "B" category, so we got it covered with all these nicknames haven't we?

Now our family this year looks like this. Sans a puppy. The oldest booger keeps asking for one, but hubby says he won't just get ONE, that they need to live with someone, so I am passing up the idea to take care of two more people around this joint. Hey, someone has to stay sane around here right??? What?? it's too late for that? Oh great!

This was the nutcracker for this year. Every year after the ballet, my son gets to choose a nutcracker for our collection. This was the one that made it home with us this year. He's real snazzy and I love the sparkly glitter that bedazzles him up. Oh, I just got the best idea!! Be right back!
And the candy canes that outline our walkway. They were a neat addition to this year's decor.

I'm always sad to take all the decor down, but alas, it happens, and we can't stop it. Sooooo. Onto a new year, new beginnings (thank gooooood ness) and the many wonderful things that the New Year will bring. Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday today to my eldest sissy. Wish I was there with you!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

You know it's almost 2010


you hear yourself saying these things on Christmas and you wonder if your grandmother would understand???

Now everyone has the Droid. How will I know if it's mine ringing?

Who's Vaio box is this?? Do they want to keep it?

If I step on one more Ka-chow, I'm going to scream!!

Ohhh, these Uggs are oh, sooo soft. I think I need a pair.

We have come a long way. I can say, "I remember the 80's, the 90's , and the 00's. Wow! I feel old now. That's all I'm going to say.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, from our house to yours!!

Our Elf Jack has returned home to help in the giving of Christmas and now we wait for the boys to wake up.

This guy woke at 8 am. Not to shabby. Not to shabby at all. We were thrilled for that. We allowed him to open his stocking and start Christmas while the littlest booger still slept. He was very content with his stocking gifts.

But then when the mother load came, he was sooo darn happy! (nice blue mouth, btw, looks like the fun dip has already been enjoyed. Thanks SC!)

Finally the little one joins us and while he enjoys the gifts that he's opening,

He's just as content to chew on gift tags instead.

While we want to stay in our pajames all day. We should really go and meet with the rest of the family to enjoy Christmas. Afterall, our BIL, and uncle will get to come home today and share this day with the family before returning back to his care home.

This little guy, is just so content to just lay in someone's arms while presents are being opened.
He's still in his jammies as you can see. His new outfit is behind him in the picture, but when he's so content, why bug him right??

and this one's so content running around and getting his energy out playing with cousins.

This little guy was so tuckered out, he feel asleep watching "Ka-chow" as he calls him, typical male fashion. Why oh why does this photo make me laugh everytime I see it??

We had a fabulous Christmas. We are soo loved. We are sooo blessed. I made sure to tell my 6 year old this tonight as we went to bed. It's because we know Christ. It's because we believe in him. Don't you forget that. All this fun, all these presents, all this family that LOVES you, is because of Christ and what he has done for us. There certainly wouldn't be a CHRISTmas without him.
Hope you all had a fabulous day as well. LOVES.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our week at a glance.

We celebrated the birthday of booger. His last year in his 30's. I think he is sad about that. He is getting to be an old man.

We made gingerbread houses

We went and saw our yearly tradition of The Nutcracker.

This year booger #2, sat through it almost the whole time without having to be bribed of treats. That was a good thing.

And booger #3, even though he was stuffed up and coughy, poor little guy, he enjoyed it and watched it almost the whole way through as well. Flapping his arms and moving his legs. all through the music and dancing.

We baked Gingerbread cookies, (of course the 6 year old booger, had to make dinosaurs instead)

and spritz Christmas cookies

we played Santa Claus and delivered treats and gifts to cousins. These were my adorable helpers; Santa jr. & a reindeer, (I think they decided he was Donner)

We got a date out together to see Avater IMAX in 3d (sorry no pictures of that, it was a surprise for me and camera was at home, shame on me!)

and then of course the hustle and bustle off Christmas Eve day and shopping and wrapping before the Big day. We went to bed completely exhausted and waited for the kids to wake up and see what old Saint Nicholas had brought to our house.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baby Ellie is here!!

Get used to this James. This is how life is going to be for awhile.

My BFF had her baby girl. She came via c-section, not what mama wanted, but they are both doing good. Great actually! I talked with her not even 24 hours after "surgery" and she was up and walking around and talking. I was sooo impressed. She's not milking,er I mean taking the pain meds at all. Not that I think she should, but sheesh, after a c-section, taking just motrin to me, is a goddess. Congrats Jaime and Erik! Enjoy your new little girl. (and no more freedom--haha j/k) kinda. I mean, look at her. a day old and already showing daddy who's the boss.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

All day I get to play!

Well, I should be doing laundry, I should be cleaning up those things off my counter that you see, I should be listing watches and or getting ready to go to Target but I can't. You know why?? I hear my little guy in the other room and I have to stop and document.

He is fun and cute and just so lovable! As I was brushing my teeth I hear Mr. B doing his new "thing" in his highchair. I ran to get the camera and I know that as soon as I walk in he'll stop doing it. I had to coax and bribe him to do it again, (OK, not really, he doesn't know about bribes......yet) but he did and I'm so proud of his new learned activity. Seems they learn sooo much right now don't they??? Has anyone invented a freezing time machine yet? When you do, contact me A-SAP. I'm in the market for one.

Technical Difficulties: I can not get the video to upload right now. Will have to enlist the help of my husband or try another computer. Stay tuned.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A New Home

My BIL has had his central line taken out, his treatments are done and he is going to a new home. I wish it was his own. I soooo wish it was his own, but for now, it will be. He will be going to a care home for, who knows how long right now, to do physical therapy and be taken care of. The other day he raised his hand by himself. It took awhile but he DID it!! This is great news. We are so happy for him. It looks as though the paralysis is going back down his body and he is regaining feeling in his upper limbs.
His family was able to go and visit him tonight for the first time since he went to the hospital and has been in ICU. Two weeks is a LONG time to go without seeing your kids. Not because you want to, but because you CAN'T. I've thought I would LOVE a few days away from these boogers to regain my sanity and I have gotten it before, but when you want to see your kids, when you want to hear their cries, their fits, and you can't. Ugh. I feel for him. He is strong and he is a fighter. I hope he improves quickly and gets home to his babies and his wife.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Richard seems to be moving forward instead of in reverse. YEAHHH!! Yesterday he had the first look of improvement with the immunoglobin treatments. He can move his hands a little and was able to pick up his neck. This is a great step for him and we hope that these treatments continue to be positive for him. They are still administering the Benadryl with the treatments to counteract anything that may happen or react with his system. We hope that he is able to keep moving forward.
Happy thoughts please.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Uncanny truths about Motherhood- Labor

My most recent work.

Since my BFF is ready to pop any day now. It’s time to write about the last stage of being pregnant-labor.
Well the term says it all. It involves work. If you think you are going to get out of there without doing any work, you’re mistaken. Ok, so if you’re the few who have C-sections, you have more work afterwards so it’s still Labor!!
This is what I have to say about this. Expect the best; want the best, but plan for the worst. I don’t want to be a Debbie downer, but having “a birth plan” doesn’t always work. As you know life is not always planned as is the same with labor. You can have what you intended to do, but if this is your first time, just know that it always doesn’t go that way. I say it’s better to be ready to accept what’s coming than be so bummed about what happened that you get sad or even worse, depressed.
You can of course, plan out your birth, i.e. laboring, walking, drugs, no drugs, epidural, all natural and what not and get just that.
If you start on your own, your water may break (if you have a puddle of water in your pants, or your bed, and it’s more than a tinkle, it’s your water) and cause you to start, or contractions just may come on and start your labor. You may or may not see a “mucus plug” and you may or may not know that you are having contractions. Yes, it’s true; you can have them and not know that they are actually just that, contractions. If you are one of those few, consider yourself blessed.
You will hear numbers. You are a 1, 4, 7. These are centimeters. This is them measuring and letting you know or the Dr. know, how far you have progressed. You need to be at a 10 or pretty darn close, before you will push the baby out. You can start dilating any time up to about 6 weeks before full term. I sat at a 1 and 3 from week 36 and 37 with no progression. It is possible to dilate and then nothing else starts.
After you have hit about a 7, it is transition time which for some is the hardest time, for me, I don't know and remember this time, so I am no help there. Sorry. It begins the time that the baby is getting into position and after this time is when the actual delivery occurs. You will want to “bear down” i.e. push like crazy and get that baby out. You will have to push, most likely on your first child. Don’t be a sissy about it, do exactly what they say and bear down and push. I pushed three times with my first 9 lb. 4 oz. baby and twice with my second 7 lbs 8 oz. I don’t mess around. When it’s time for me to push, well, that is what I do. You do want to be careful about pushing though, if you go too fast you can tear, and well, that is not fun or pleasant. Hopefully you don’t have anything in your intestinal tract either, or you will push that out too!
My best advice is to relax. Enjoy and be in the moment. Take it as it comes, and soon you will have a wonderful little blessing in your arms. I had to be induced both times. The first time I wanted a natural birth, no drugs, and well, little did I know what inductions actually entailed. If you are hooked up to pitocin to start your contractions, or at anytime along the way, this makes the contractions very powerful, very strong and well, drug-free is quite intense. I went 6 ½ hours. That was the longest 6 ½ hours of my LIFE. I wouldn’t recommend induction without drugs or an epidural to anyone ..EVER!! I’m sure there is someone somewhere that has done it this way; it’s just not the most ideal situation. You want to be comfortable during labor whether you’re walking around, in water, or laying in bed, so if you want your pillows, bring your pillows, music, bring your iPod, balls, etc. Make sure that you have those things with you. You may or may not use them, but if you want them, have them with you. I hope that you have the fastest, easiest labor ever, but if not………….

Switching methods

They have decided even though Rich has an auto immune disorder, that they are going to change from the plasmopheresis to the immunoglobin treatment. He is having a reaction to it as expected so they are slowing down the treatment for the next five days. He is taking Bendaryl for the reaction and Tylenol for his fever.

Bradley went to visit him today and help him stretch and move his muscles. He said to Bradley,
"Shake my hand. (Bradley did)
Now Shake it like a dude. (where you interlock the fists-I guess)
Now grab tight and take my hand and raise it above my head, and move it around.
Bradley moved his hands around for him so he could get the movement he wanted.
"Aw.... that feels so good."
Bradley has great experience massaging, tired swollen feet of mine. He is quite good at it. He sat at Richard's bed and did this again to Rich as he did yesterday as well. Richards expressions were the same.
"Aww.... that feels sooo good."
Please continue your thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Meeting P Dubb, Ree, you know... The Pioneer Woman!!

Talking with the crowd. She was such a sweetheart!

Making faces probably about Cow testicles or something else. NOT, any of her recipes. Here's the story.

So a week ago, I just happen to glance at the Cookbook tour again, just to see whereabouts Ree would be traveling. Knowing well, that I had looked at it before, and she was north, and south, and in the south, some more. She headed kinda west, but not west enough for me in Southern Cal to see her. Ree Drummond, AKA, PDubb, The pioneer woman, is one funny lady that writes and blogs about her life on the ranch. How she got there, and what she's now doing there. I have turned to her blog to read, search and get any info I can, on how to take better pictures. She does step by step instructions on how to use your camera and how to fall in love with it. Thanks to her, I have been able to try and test some things that I have learned. She also does it with her cooking. This has become very well liked by the public. She has now put a Cookbook out. (just topped the number one bestseller, Right on Ree!!) So her new venture in life, has taken her out and about and FINALLY into my neck of the woods.
As I was glancing at her tour this night, (late at night BTW, as it always is, when I get a moment of peace and quiet, to be on the computer.) I saw that she would be in Southern California. YAYYYY! I enlisted a partner in crime, AKA, BF, and we ventured out to see her.
You never know how or what to say to someone that you think is neat, cute, funny, and down right adorable, without sounding, well........stalkerish. I feel like I know Ree, and want her to be one of my BFF's. I know everyone in her family, and feel like I know her as well, but she doesn't know me. Well, until now. Yes, I was, number, 100,475,542 in line. Well not really, I was sure to get there early and so we were only about 20 back, but now I know for myself that she is real. That she exists. I am so glad that she was just as funny and outgoing in person as I thought she would be. I know there's a shy, quiet, side to her, but she overcame that at this signing and was just a doll! So glad to meet you Ree, and thank you for taking the time to write and sign in all of our books!! You're the greatest. No ,no, You're the best!! No!! Your the best, greatest!!

Waiting for her to make her grand entrance
(Look at us!! Front row!!) That's a great story in and of itself.

Here she is!!! YEAHHHHH

I don't have any idea what I said to her. Probably something about the spanx (she DOES NOT need to wear). Gross picture of me, but I made her laugh!

Smile for the camera. ( Awkward moment) . Me and Ree.

And then I wanted to have one with all of us. Smile again!! Awkward moment, number two. Me and Jill and Ree, makes three!! (oops Jill wrong camera. )
We had a fun time Ree. I'm glad that we overcame our fears (well not really fears, but something) and came out. Hope we didn't seem too stalkerish! XXOO

And I didn't bring my cute, adorable, baby boy, just for you. (Had to bring his birth annoucement so she could see him. ) Be still your rushing hormones.

What a week!!-- But then there was a rainbow.

I'm sure we've all had these kinds of weeks. They are crazy, hectic, and we are so glad that they are behind us. Well, this week has been one of those for me. I am glad that we have a new one that we know will come upon us and we can move forward and put the past behind us. Hakuna matata!

This week my brother in law, who is one of the silliest, funniest, guys around, who will never keep a straight face when a camera is near by, was sadly rushed to the hospital. With the first visit he was dooped up on pain medication because he was , well, in such bad pain, and nothing seemed to help. He was returned home later that night (gotta love Kaiser) and was back there in the morning via an ambulance, because he couldn't move and had paralysis of his legs. Thank you for all the love and support that has been showed to our extended family and for the prayers. We need them,and he def. needs them and there will be more needed I am sure. He could be in there for almost a month. He was diagnosed with Guillan-Barre Syndrome and so his journey to recovery is a long ways away. So is what they say. We are hoping for the better. As we were cleaning the backyard and getting ready for Christmas decorating my husband called me outside to see what was out on the patio.

I ran out to see this:

It is a picture, that says By: Grace and then it says : I love dad, written in backwards.

After the week that her daddy has had. We decided that we needed to take a picture and share this with him. I'm not sure how long it has been there. I know, at least for a month or so. I know that I have passed it many times while taking out the trash and I really never (sadly) even looked close enough to see what was written or what was down there. Just figured, some chalk art on my patio. I am so glad that the lite sprinkles, and early dew we have had, has not cleaned this up or washed it away. I am so glad that we were able to take a picture and share it with her dad. It was so sweet and so special to him, especially now, at this week in her daddy's life.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chance to win a photo session.

This amazing girl, Gena, and sister of Tonya, (you might remember Bennett and I had our pictures done with her) is giving away a free photo shoot! Check out her site here and enter to win.

She is in Southern California, so sorry to all those not in Cali, but if you are, go enter.


So, I know. I got you all excited. Starting doing really good blogging for awhile and then- blam-o! Nothin'. You'd think I had a baby or something. Ok, well I did. So that's one excuse, er, reason, and well, my second is, I had a baby. And then C, is because I am so tired from everything going on around here, that I'm trying to catch up and get my sleep. I think I am almost back in the saddle and so, never fear, The Uncanny Truths of Motherhood, will be appearing soon again.

Thanks for sticking around.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Win a 20 $ Lego gift card over on Ami's site

Enter to win over on this site. And Ami will enter you into the contest. For us moms with boys, we know legos are a neccessity in life, just as chocolate is to us moms.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sooooo Thankful

There are so many things to be thankful for. My list could go on and on, this year, for me, it's these three boogers in my life.

For this one

That everytime I look at him, I want to kiss all over his cheeks and stare at his blue, blue eyes. Oh, did I say want to?? I mean, I do!!

For this one

That even though he doesn't understand what listen to your mother means, he is still my little cuddler and looks a lot tougher than he really is inside.

For this one................

That even though, he can be a royal pain in the rear sometimes, he is the most forgiving, sincere, and patient person I have ever met. (On most days) That despite all of my shortcomings, he still, at the end of the day, wants to be with me forever!!

And for beautiful things like this.

That I get to see almost every night and know that these things, don't just "happen"

For all of you out there, Blessings and Gratitude on this wonderful day and throughout the year.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Uncanny truths about Motherhood-VI

Hemorrhoids, heartburn, varicose veins, and stretch marks.

Check, check, check and oh yeah, check!! Lucky me, I got all of them. They sound great together don't they? Can you imagine, anybody willfully wanting or choosing these? Next time you go through McDonalds, order one or two, of these and throw the person totally out of whack. You'll get a good laugh. Ok, don't really, they might spit in your food,but can you imagine that us women go through this to bear children. Let's do a run down for these and I'll tell ya (guess) why you get them.
The first, because the baby is squooshing your insides, second because the baby is squooshing your insides, three, got a guess?? well kinda of, but more like, ok, squooshing your insides or pinching things so your circulations is all is a huffy mess and number four?? Yep you guessed it. The baby is squooshing your insides. It's gotta go somewhere, and out is the question. Some peoples skin is very elastic. Mine wasn't. So every little move he made, it made a track mark on the outside. Ok, not really but pretty much. None of these are any fun, but maybe you can ease them a little.
For beauty quality #1-
Keep fiber and fruits in your diet, so you are not ever pushing to hard when you use the bathroom. Breakfast cereals, prunes, plumes those kinds of things. Not bananas, they are more of a constipating fruit.
#2- Carry Tums around with you. They can be your saving grace. I don't think I'd ever had a Tums before in my life. I should've bought stock in that too! Something that eases the pain and makes it not so yucky in your mouth/throat. For some these work, if you have it really bad you may have to check into some prescribed that you can take.
#3- Wear the support hose. I fought it the first time. But I did this the second time around. I have just one vein, in the back of my leg, that likes to pop. With these hose, they helped keep it to a minimal and the second time around, I didn't get any spider veins along with them.
#4- You can't do anything for these, some try to say lotions or cremes and you can try it and keep your skin soft, and elasticy (is that a word even) but the truth is, they are hereditary. You're going to get them, or your not. That's what my doc said, and I LOVE Dr. D, so I'm going to believe everything that he says. ok? ok. End of story.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Uncanny truths about Motherhood-V Morning Sickness and Nausea

Now why do they call it this?? It's not fair. It's a misconception. If you have ever experienced this, you know that this awful sickness, doesn't know wether it's morning, afternoon or night. True, it can be much more intense in the morning, after a night of an empty tummy, but it can hit at any given time. For me, the first time around it was just nausea. I had to keep something in my stomach so that I wouldn't get sick. I carried PB&J's around with me in my purse. Anytime, I would feel it coming on, I would eat a half of one. Soon I realized that if I would eat something every about 2 ½- 3 hours, I could keep the nausea monster away and I was a happy preggo mommy. The 2nd time around, I didn't want to eat. Nothing sounded good, and if it did, that's all I ate for a day, or a week. This most recent pregancy I remember when only chips and queso sounded good. I could eat tortilla chips (or fritoes for a variety) for almost two weeks. This was my lunch and dinner. Breakfast couldn't even be attempted.
I was and still am, very grateful and thankful, that I was never a full blown puker. I think I did, a few times after strawberries and someone told me it's because of the acid. OJ gives you the same results. Genius me thought, “ I can't eat anything in the morning, so I'll just have a glass of OJ and call breakfast good.” Yo, my-o! OJ in the morning on an empty stomach, no beuno. I guess you can bet what the outcome of that was. Juices all around my BF said for her were better to avoid.
Something that's suttle, something that doesn't have a lot of flavor, smell,texture , is a good start. (thus the popular saltine cracker) You have to find what works for you. If you can keep something in you at least every couple of hours, you'll will feel much better and you can almost, notice I said almost, get rid of the nausea. I didn't have it bad remember so, if you are one of those unfortunate people like my MIL that throws up all the way to the hospital to deliver, I am sorry. I can come over and take a hammer to your toe and you might forget about the sickness?
Tip: Unisom or other sleep-aid can help in the nausea department.
BF said watermelon for her helped. She lived off of that for awhile.
Also, sometimes your prenatals are what is causing the nausea so try another way to get in your vitamins and see if it makes a difference.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Target Gift card winner!!

Random Generator Picked Comment number Two. who is Sharon.
Please email me Sharon threeboogers@gmail.com so that I can ship you your gift card!
Thanks everyone for your answers and the fun!
Check back again for another giveaway soon!

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 2
Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 2 Powered by RANDOM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday Giveaway!! --25$ Target Gift Card

Since it's the middle of the week, Hump Day/ Bump Day and my BFF is in the middle of her pregnancy, I am doing a Giveaway today. Tell me where your favorite place to find comfy Maternity clothes was, is or will be, in the comments section and I will randomly draw a winner for $25 giftcard to go to Target so they can get some cool, comfy bella bands.
The great thing about this giveaway, is that if you aren't pregnant, you can still use !! After all, don't we all LOVE tar-ge??
One entry per household please. Giveaway ends Wednesday at 10 pm PST. I will annouce the winner on Thursday morning.
Thanks for stopping and Happy Shopping!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Uncanny truths about Motherhood- IV Maternity clothes

So if you aren't a size 0-2 or 18-20. It's pretty hard to get maternity clothes that fit you and look great. Everything is too snug, too big or just doesn't look right. I think they forget that your boobs grow as well, and for those of us that were already D's before we got pregnant, well, we need a little room to grow in that area as well. Who's designing these clothes anyways? Wait let me guess, probably men!!
Some things that I have found that I love are the Japanese weekend pants. They are oohh! So comfy and don't feel like your suffocating. Gap also has great bottoms that have adustable waists and help so that you can grow into your pants and they aren't falling off of you. The bella bands are I think, one of my favorite inventions! They allow you to wear your normal clothes for a little bit longer and still look stylish. They come in all different colors and so you aren't resticting your wardrobe. There are those that are adjustable and those that are one size. Personally, the ones that were adujstable, I liked better. The ones that don't adjust, still squeeze the belly a little bit and hurt if you aren't “the right size”. I didn't need anything else squeezing my middle. For me, the less constriction, the less refining, the better. I don't like tight things and your baby won't either. Allow free flowing shirts, fun dresses or leggings for your maternity wear and keep yourself comfy and breathing. It's only nine months, not a life time and then you can go back to squeezing into your jeans after the baby comes. Believe me, you'll want to squeeze into those jeans after the babies here, just don't do it before they come and make both of you miserable.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Uncanny truths about Motherhood- III

Talk amongst yourselves. (conversations)
Once you have a baby, life as you might have known it, will never be the same. Ok it may one day, so let's say, for a long, long time.
In 2005 my sister, (the one that's newly engaged) came to live with us. She was “done” with her past life and wanted a new start. Time to start over. I told her, she could come live with us and enjoy Sunny California. Not even a month later, she was at our home. That summer, whilest she was looking around for work and applying here and there, she hung out with me and my other mom friends with our kids. We were out the beach one day. There were about five of us moms, with our toddlers and her, this young, hot, single girl. She definitely, I'm sure, felt out of place. As she sunbathed for the duration of the kids play time, she lay there and listened to our conversations. The conversations went from nap times, to potty training, to birth, and breast feeding, all around our children. We were talking about them and having a great time. It was time to pack up and head home and so we did. It wasn't until we got into the car and my single sister asked, “Is that all you guys talk about??”
What do you mean? I asked.
Your kids, being moms, child birth, do you talk about anything else?
I guess for a single girl this was so odd to her. For me, my second year now as a mom, I didn't know any better. This was our life and this is what we talked about. She asked if we ever talked about any thing other than our kids? I can't really remember what they were now, probably something about, maybe traveling, shopping, or any movies that we had seen, but what she didn't realize was that for a lot of people when you have a child, all those other things fall by the wayside. Your life is your childrens. Once you have one, your days of shopping for yourself, traveling all over the world and going out to the movies will probably become almost non-existant. It may not with the first one, but as more and more children come into your life, these things that you once enjoyed, will slowly slip away. (I'll write later about how to keep them in your life) For now, just know that once these bouncing bundles of pink and blue enter your home, your conversations will be all about them. Adult conversations will be all but a memory.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Uncanny Truth about Motherhood- part 2 Miscarriages

A baby!! Yeah!! or were we?? When I was pregnant with booger #2, because of my diagnosed condition, PCOS, or Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, I was on medication to keep this pregnancy. But I had only been diagnosed with this, maybe five months before. So before this pregnancy I had gotten that positive test, I had known that I was pregnant, and for reasons unbeknownst to me, I miscarried. My first pregnancy was actually a miscarriage.
I did one of the stupidest things (lesson now learned) in my life. We were what??? 8 weeks pregnant. We told EVERYONE!! I was soo excited! I can’t remember now if I had gone in already and seen the heartbeat or if this was my first time. It’s all a blur to me now and I have probably blocked that part out of my memory because well, it was tragic for me. It will be tragic for anyone. I wouldn’t wish in on my worst enemy. I mean, I don’t have any,right??, but if I did, I would NEVER want anyone to go through with one. They are the worst. Period. I honestly can’t say that I have gone through any thing worse emotionally, then wanting a baby so bad, and then having a miscarriage.
Ok, so back to my happy self, going into the Dr. I was supposed to be 12 weeks along. Well, with a sonogram, the baby measured 9 weeks. I didn’t get it. I wasn’t hearing what the nurse was telling me. “Oh, so I am not a far as long as I thought I was.” That’s weird but, OK. There was no movement, there was no heartbeat. I don’t even know what she was telling me, again, it’s been blocked out. I do know that She said, you have two choices, You can wait for your body to naturally pass this, or you can have a DNC. A what?? I had no idea what that was?
No, you just missed the heartbeat, I was thinking it my head. My baby’s alive in there. God wants me to have a baby, he wants us to have a family, my baby is fine.

Nurse: “You can call and schedule the surgery or we can do it for you?”
Me:“What surgery?” (still I guess in denial/ not getting it)
Nurse: “The DNC.”
Me: "Oh, I don’t think I need, one, I’ll just wait.” Still stunned, shocked, I had no idea what she was telling me, and as I got into my crayon smelling car, I sat there and I guess it hit me. I started bawling. This was just not your typical cry, cry, oh poor me, This was hysterics, you know where you can’t breathe, snot’s coming out your nose crying. I guess I was understanding now. It was real.
I think I called DH first. I don’t remember. I told him that they said I needed surgery, but I wasn’t going to get it. Everything was going to be Ok. She just couldn’t find the heartbeat. I think I called my mom next. (meaning, I don’t know if I called second or first, but the call went similar to the one with my husband.) She asked if I needed her? How I was doing? What was I going to do? All ?’s that I had no idea what the answer was. All through the questions I think I just sat there numb.
What I do remember was coming home and my main booger talking with my mom and them scheduling the DNC for me the next day. Arrangements were being made for my mom and sister to come down and take me to the surgery, since DH was still in college at had to be at classes. At this point in my life, I had no idea what the mother/child bond was all about. I had no idea why my mother would drive 12 hours to just take me to the hospital and be with me for a few days. I had no idea what it was like to be a mother and see your child in so much pain. I know that I was glad that she did come. That they kept me company and made sure I was Ok. Back then, I thought it was a “nice gesture”. I had no idea what the heartstrings were, and that they were being tugged on by my mother. I was oblivious about this at that point in my life but I would soon come to know what my mom was feeling.
Miscarriages are not fun. They are not anticipated. But one thing I do know, is that once you have one, and others know about it, you start to hear that they do occur. That many other women experience them. You never hear of them before, or at least I hadn't, but once you have one, people come out of the woodwork, letting you know how they feel, and that everything will be alright.
I wish that I would have known before hand what one would entail, but maybe some things are better not known. Maybe some things, but for me, not these. You have to know that miscarriages are real. You may never experience one, I hope and pray that you don’t, but if you do. You WILL make it through! You will be happy again. You will probably get pregnant and have a baby someday, but in that moment, in that sad time, when they say “There is no heartbeat, or there's not fetal pool.” You feel like your world has crumbled.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Uncanny Truth about Motherhood- Part Un (that’s the number one in French for those that never took French class, or didn’t pay attention)

Pregnancy Tests
You’ve just peed on that stick, or peed in the cup. As you wait and wait and wait for that plus sign to come through, or pink/purple stripe or whatever. The seconds now seem to feel like minutes. You wait and wait and imagine, “it’s that pink?? I think that’s “pink”. Or “I think I see the plus sign coming through;” For me, the second time around, sadly, those days were many. I should have invested in ept stock had I known how many of those bad boys I was going to go through. (BTW, tip #1, they sell those bad boys at the dollar store) NO, REALLY!! It’s true. I didn’t believe it either. I said, oh, yeah right, those can’t be REAL. There’s got to be something wrong with them. But once I was given this tad bit of info I said the famous line “How come nobody has ever told me this??" I decided to venture out and see. and sure enough, they’re there.

They aren’t as cute as the little sticks. It entails being more of a little scientist and sometimes it gets a little messy, but they do work and for a buck!! You can’t go wrong!
After two years of buying pregnancy tests, it was great to know, that I could get them for a buck and save me oodles of cash. I always said, “If” I get a positive, I will then go buy the more expensive ones just to make “sure” it's a real positive. Well, come to think of it, once that positive came through on the cheapy one, after so many negatives, I didn’t need a back-up. I knew it was true. The moment that I had been waiting for, was now surreal, This was really happening. This was really happening to me!! We were going to have a baby!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Uncanny Truth about Motherhood- Intro

I’ve just had my second child. Ok, not just, now I’m sounding like my husband. But four months ago. There is an almost six year gap between my two boys. The 2nd one took a little bit longer than expected, so having such a big gap and forgetting most everything that has happened, you get a little refresher course when you experience your “firsts” again. I remember now, when I had booger #1 thinking “Wow, no one told me about this, or how come my mom never mentioned that”. Sound all too familiar?? If you are a mom, I bet it does. I have been experiencing these things again now with my newly arrived little booger, but this time, they seem a little sweeter. They are more enjoyable. I understand them better. The first time around, I was clueless. I thought I was educated, (I even got my bachelor’s degree in childhood education for pete’s sake- like that means anything though )and knowledgeable. I was not.(not that I am any more, now, but I do understand events a little bit more now or what to expect) and now that these precious moments that occur in your life and theirs, are just that, PRECIOUS!

I am going to do a little series Called, The Uncanny Truths about Motherhood. I have wanted to do it for awhile now. Write, blog, journal, call it what you will, about my experinces, life happeneings as a mom. I am by no means an expert, I'm not even good at being a mom, but I have experienced a few things and so I want to share. (Sharing is caring cuz we love the people. - Sorry had to through that in there, inside joke.) I guess there is a sitcom out there now, that is kinda like this. Is that still on, BTW?? I don't know, we don't have cable??
You know, those things that people just “forget” to tell you. Yeah, those things. You may have heard them before, and if you are a mom, than you know about them, but for one (almost 2) important people in my life. They don’t. So for them, I dedicate this and future blogs.

My best friend of 17 years, yes this one,

is having her first baby at 33. Not that 33 is by any means old, but after going through your teens and 20’s and being “by yourself” or “on your own”, I am pretty much gonna say that you are set in your ways a little bit. Maybe you thought you were never going to have children, maybe you thought,” Heck no!! I don’t what those little brats running around MY house. Maybe, just maybe, you didn’t think that it would ever happen for you, and maybe, so far it hasn’t, But maybe, someday it will.
I am hoping as I write things down, some of you, including my BFF, and newly engaged sister (which means there are babies someday, right Scraggs?) , will be able to approach some of these things that will happen in your life with more of a, “Uh, ok.” Or “That’s right, I remember Hope saying something about this.” Or , “This is sooooo cool. This may never happen again”, or the infamous “Someday, I am totally going to miss this”, rather than……”WTH??? What is going on with me??” “ Why am I feeling this way??” Or “Why is my child doing/ acting like this?”

I am a “straight shooter” as my main Booger would call me, just give it to me straight. Don’t sugar coat it. Maybe that’s why we clicked in the beginning??
Most things are going to come to you "straight up!!" No sugar coating included. So for some of you, introverted, shy, candy coated people, I want you to stick around, don’t be afraid, just brace yourselves for it.
You may hear words like; boobies, nipples, hemorrhoids, poop, farts, those sorts of things, because in pregnancy, child birth, and motherhood, these things are all entailed. It’s the whole package. The Full Monty. What ever you want to call it.

Sooooooo “Hold on to your hats and glasses, this here is the wildest ride in the West”

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Time sure does fly...........11 weeks

Tell me how my little guy goes from this at 1 week old so tiny and small
with very simple and subtle face expressions.

To happy smiley boy, in just 10 short weeks.

We had an amazing shoot with Tonya at tonyajoy photography, and well, I think the photos speak for themselves. She is amazing. Such a talented, wonderful girl. You can see them on her blog under Baby Bennett, dated June 8th.

Yayyy!! He got mommy's baby blues.

I just wanna squeeze him.....

I love this little guy to pieces,

You are truely a blessing little one. I love you more than words can say!!

About Me

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Trying to savor the little moments in our lives that make the memories.