I’ve just had my second child. Ok, not
just, now I’m sounding like my husband. But four months ago. There is an almost six year gap between my two boys. The 2nd one took a little bit longer than expected, so having such a big gap and forgetting most everything that has happened, you get a little refresher course when you experience your “firsts” again. I remember now, when I had booger #1 thinking “Wow, no one told me about this, or how come my mom never mentioned that”. Sound all too familiar?? If you are a mom, I bet it does. I have been experiencing these things again now with my newly arrived little booger, but this time, they seem a little sweeter. They are more enjoyable. I understand them better. The first time around, I was clueless. I thought I was educated, (I even got my bachelor’s degree in childhood education for pete’s sake- like that means anything though )and knowledgeable. I was not.(not that I am any more, now, but I do understand events a little bit more now or what to expect) and now that these precious moments that occur in your life and theirs, are just that, PRECIOUS!
I am going to do a little series Called, The Uncanny Truths about Motherhood. I have wanted to do it for awhile now. Write, blog, journal, call it what you will, about my experinces, life happeneings as a mom. I am by no means an expert, I'm not even good at being a mom, but I have experienced a few things and so I want to share. (Sharing is caring cuz we love the people. - Sorry had to through that in there, inside joke.) I guess there is a sitcom out there now, that is kinda like this. Is that still on, BTW?? I don't know, we don't have cable??
You know, those things that people just “forget” to tell you. Yeah, those things. You may have heard them before, and if you are a mom, than you know about them, but for one (almost 2) important people in my life. They don’t. So for them, I dedicate this and future blogs.
My best friend of 17 years, yes this one,
is having her first baby at 33. Not that 33 is by any means old, but after going through your teens and 20’s and being “by yourself” or “on your own”, I am pretty much gonna say that you are set in your ways a little bit. Maybe you thought you were never going to have children, maybe you thought,” Heck no!! I don’t what those little brats running around
MY house. Maybe, just maybe, you didn’t think that it would ever happen for you, and maybe, so far it hasn’t, But maybe, someday it will.
I am hoping as I write things down, some of you, including my BFF, and newly engaged sister (which means there are babies someday, right Scraggs?) , will be able to approach some of these things that will happen in your life with more of a, “Uh, ok.” Or “That’s right, I remember Hope saying something about this.” Or , “This is sooooo cool. This may never happen again”, or the infamous “Someday, I am totally going to miss this”, rather than……”WTH??? What is going on with me??” “ Why am I feeling this way??” Or “Why is my child doing/ acting like this?”
I am a “straight shooter” as my main Booger would call me, just give it to me straight. Don’t sugar coat it. Maybe that’s why we clicked in the beginning??
Most things are going to come to you "straight up!!" No sugar coating included. So for some of you, introverted, shy, candy coated people, I want you to stick around, don’t be afraid, just brace yourselves for it.
You may hear words like; boobies, nipples, hemorrhoids, poop, farts, those sorts of things, because in pregnancy, child birth, and motherhood, these things are all entailed. It’s the whole package. The Full Monty. What ever you want to call it.
Sooooooo “Hold on to your hats and glasses, this here is the wildest ride in the West”